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tv   The Last Word  MSNBC  October 26, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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now it's time for "the last word" with lawrence o'donnell. have a great weekend. let's see t for president. jill stein, thomas hoef ling, mitt romney, gary johnson, barack obama. oh. we're doing a tv show. there's minutes left in my life as an undecided voter. got my california ballot right here. it's early voting night here on "the last word." and this thing. this california ballot is so complicated. i've got like, i don't know. 14 pieces of legislation in here that i have to vote on, and i understand maybe two of them. so i have flown in a california governor to help me with this. a former california governor is going to have to do this work for me. early voting night on "the last word." >> we are just 11 days out from
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the election. >> with 11 days left in this campaign. >> 11 days left. >> mitt romney's latest description of himself. >> running on a message of change. >> what this requires is change. big change. change, change, change. change. change. change. >> leave me alone i don't have the change. >> not change. it's just bush. >> there's not much there. >> he'll speck to giving speeches like he did today. >> what this requires is change. >> can you really trust mitt romney? >> trust matters. >> trust versus change. >> we need real change. >> republicans are going right back to the old, ugly playbook. >> john sununu. >> when you have somebody of your own race that you're proud of being president of the united states. i aplowed colin for standing with him. >> congratulations john sununu. >> does it take mitt romney off. >> the more courage to stand up
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and say what they said was wrong. >> of course if he refused to let the media ask you questions you never have to worry about giving them answers. >> proipt will hit the interview circuit today. >> doing a total of ten different interviews. >> saul about targeting young voters there. >> we're down to the turnout operations. >> obama's the one who is working it harder. >> 11 days left. there's 11 days left in this campaign. every move counts right now. >> are you fired up? are you ready to go? with just 11 days until the election, which of course means 12 days until john sununu climbs back into his cave, and with only minutes left in which mitt romney can convince me to vote for him, mitt romney remains silent today about his favorite crazy people. mitt romney hasn't answered a
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single question about the only senate candidate he has done a campaign ad for. the candidate who said this. >> i think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that god intended to happen. >> today a reporter asked romney campaign senior adviser eric fern strom why the campaign has not asked mourdock to pull the television afd. he said that's his decision. today in wisconsin vice president joe biden had to say about mitt romney and paul ryan. >> they can't even get up the gumgs to condemn the stalts made by two of their candidates in the united states senate. it's not enough to tell me you don't agree. it's not to stand up to say what they said was wrong. simply wrong. >> today mitt romney did not
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address what his campaign national cochair john sununu said last night about colin powell's endorsement of president obama. >> we have to wonder whether that's an endorsement based on issues or whether he's got a slightly different reason for preferring president obama. >> what reason would that be? >> well, i think when you have somebody of your own race that you're proud of being president of the united states, i applaud colin for standing with him. >> what reason would that be was the question and john sununu issued this lie today. colin powell is a friend and i respect the endorsement decision that he made today and i do not doubt that it was based on anything but his support of the president's policies. piers morgan's question was whether clin powell should leave the part and i don't think he should. >> i don't think there's many people in america who would
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question general powell's credibility, his patriotism, his willingness to tell it straight. and so any suggestion that general powell would make such a profound statement in such a important election, based on anything other than what he thought was what's going to be best for america, i think doesn't make much sense. >> today the republican leaning "chicago tribune" endorsed a democrat for president for only the second time in its existence. the first time was barack obama in 2008. on questions on economics and limited government, the "chicago tribune" has forged principles that put us closer to the challenger in this race. bolstered by his steadiness in office, cognizant of the vast unfinished business before hem vths we endorse the re-election
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of barack obama. a cnn poll has president obama leading mitt romney by four points, 50% to 46%. a new england college poll of new hampshire likely voters has president obama leading mitt romney by three points, 49 to 46. tonight, nate silver of the new york times blog forecasts that on november 6th, president obama has a 74% chance of winning re-election and over 13 point increase in the last two weeks. nate silver projects president obama will win 295 electoral votes and mitt romney will win 243. so krystal ball we are 12 days away from the ugliest creature that mitt romney has dragged into the presidential campaign, john sununu. he was driven out of washington, in scandal when he was the white
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house chief of staff for the first president bush. the man was driven out in scandal and it took mitt romney to drag him back in front of television cameras. >> it's been such a bizarre choice. he is the person he put forward the most. he's their lead surrogate and it's such a strange choice for his campaign and this is not the first time that he's stepped in it. he's the one who had to apologize for saying the president needs to learn how to be an american. he's the one who called the president lazy after the first debate. this guy has been more of a liability. and on the colin powell endorsement, it was likely to be a one-day story. john sununu has ensured that we have a reason to continue talking about how clin powell's endorsement is for another day. >> and he thinks he can put out the lie about what the question was. >> that was unbelievable. >> the question was why do you think he endorsed him. >> i think he forgot he was on
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tv when he made these remarks. >> i think the game with them is we don't care. we're kind of glad you said it. we like racial messaging in the campaign and we're going to issue an apology that won't actually be an apology because the media kind of demands that in the way they do business so we'll put this thing out there and we'll just lie in the apology and the clarification. >> it was taken out of context. >> yeah, because that's their game. >> that's what makes it worse, really. that it is such a nod and wink. this did come up last cycle when colin powell endorsed. the one silver lining is i do think, you're right about how weak the spinning on apology was, the fact they had to say anything reflects the fact they're thre have to say anything from this stuff.
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>> when you break down governor romney's approach, it won't add jobs. it won't reduce our deficit. and so there's just not much there. >> and the television ads are now powering out fast and furious. there's a new ad starring jay-z. >> for so long there was a voice that was silenced out there, as far as exercising the right to vote. i think it was a voice that was silent because people had lost hope. they didn't believe their voice mattered or counted. at the end of the day it never trickled down to where we lived. now people are exercising their right and you're starting to see the power of our vote. it means something for the first time for a lot of people, having someone in office who understands how powerful our voice can be is very important. >> krystal, obviously not a policy persuasion ad, a turnout
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ad. >> a turnout ad, an inspiration ad. it looks like those efforts are working. if you look at georgia, obviously not a swing or battleground state. african-american turnout is on pace to be at record historical levels, higher even than 2008. so it looks like these efforts to remind people of how important their vote is, how their vote could be the difference, how important it is to have that voice, it seems to be breaking through. >> but also, and jay-z is an ad that obviously resonates with african-americans and the hip hop community, but it's also a youth ad. this is a famous person. jay z is a model of american. >> show business royalty. >> and he's a model of american success which means that you won. he raps about saying basically i can't help the poor if i'm one of them. i got rich and gave back.
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that's a win-win. this is american capitalism and american success with a social contract. he raps about that. he supported obama for those reasons both personal and policy and i think it's really strong because this is someone that people trust. he's credible and it says something to me that's amazing about where we are in america. that you can take a person who did struggle with drugs and other things on the streets but has built himself up and held himself out as what he says in that ad, a moltd of the american dream. i think that's great. >> mitt romney stepped in it on the auto issue today in ohio. let's listen to this. >> i saw a store today, one of the great manufacturers in this state, jeep. now owned by the italians, is thinking of moving all production to china. i will fight for every good job in america. >> okay. so chrysler corporation then issues this statement. jeep has no intention of
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shifting production of its jeep models out of north america to china. it's simply reviewing the opportunities to return jeep output to china for the world's largest auto market. a careful and unbiassed reading of the bloomberg take would have saved unnecessary fantasies. so bloomberg had this piece about moving jobs to china. they weren't saying that. they were saying maybe they could expand and do some business in china. >> it's actually a success sorry. >> you have this giant corporation who is uninhibited about referring to what romney is saying about unnecessary fantasies. >> i've got to tell you i'm not polly an na here. but the way that mitt romney has run this campaign, has been disgusting. no regard for the facts. no regard for the truth. willing to say anything just as you were alluding to with john sununu, willing to say anything
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that serves his purpose at the moment and relying on the fact that he's not going to get called out on it and most people are going to hear the initial claim and not the fact check. it's really disturbing especially in a situation like this where he is talking to people whose jobs are literally on the line. it's unbelievable. >> president obama picking up a bunch of newspaper editorial endorsements in swing states. the las vegas sun, the miami herald, and also in the detroit paper. they endorsed mitt romney but said he was wrong about the auto bailout. they were lucky they had the president they did back then. krystal ball and arry mel ber, thank you for joining me tonight. >> thanks. coming up. early voting in ohio and right here on "the last word." i'm going to fill out my california ballot. joe reid is reporting for us tonight. and in the rewrite, why lena
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dunham has rush limbaugh wondering what it would be like if he was a women.
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shall an ordinance be adopted requiring producers of adult films to -- oh, we're back. i'm struggling with this california ballot. it's incredibly belong and complicated and that's why i'm going to have a former governor of california later to explain some of these things, to help me fill out this ballot. and in the rewrite tonight, rush limbaugh pretends to be offended by a double entendre americans believe they should be in charge of their own future.
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how they'll live tomorrow. for more than 116 years, ameriprise financial has worked for their clients' futures. helping millions of americans retire on their terms. when they want. where they want. doing what they want. ameriprise. the strength of a leader in retirement planning. the heart of 10,000 advisors working with you one-to-one. together for your future. ♪
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. >> in the middle of roughly 24 hours riding along during several stops with the obama campaign. earlier today that meant a stop in iowa. we had an opportunity to sit down with the president, all of it by the way for a special package of coverage on tomorrow evening's broadcast of rock center. >> it is my honor to welcome the 44th president of the united states. barack obama. >> i'm honored to be sitting next to the 44th president of the united states, mr. barack obama. it's an honor. >> with just 11 days until
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election, president obama made the media rounds this week, in between a nonstop campaign scheduled today alone, the president did at least seven affiliate interviews, a handful of radio interviews and a live interview for the under-30 crowd on mtv. what are you most worried about? malia getting her driver's licenses, malia malia going out on a date or malia being on facebook? >> i would worry about facebook. >> mitt romney on the other hand is playing hard to get. >> although it was last april when we began requesting that former governor romney answer your questions, his team has told us he's been, quote, unable to fit it in, unquote. >> we should also know once again, we've asked for the chance to spend similar time with the romney campaign. >> of course we extended the same offer to governor romney and we hoped to be able to bring you that interview sometime soon.
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>> joining me now for an exclusive interview, mtv's sway callaway. sway, congratulations. >> thank you very kindly. >> it turns out he's not that hard to get. he's doing all these shows, right? >> he's everywhere. i talked to him about that off mike. >> what did he say about that? >> he said he's anxious to get out there and get the message across in terms of young voters and talk about the issues that matter the most for them. and he believed that light night talk show hosts make better interviewers because it allows him to loosen up. >> he also has to be comfort enough to do this. because he doesn't know what sway is going to come up with. you had questions from some viewers and all that, tweeted questions all that stuff. >> facebook and tweets. >> and anything can happen in those situations. and that seems to be what mitt romney is afraid of, is those
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anything can happen situations. >> i think mitt romney his unsure of his mastery of popular culture probably for good reason. i was imaging if you asked him about facebook he would be like, a photo album? a book of faces? i don't think he quite knows all of that. whereas i do believe the president is ultimately a nerd, but i think that nerdiness serves him well in cultural situation. i think he studies. i think he knows what's going on. i also think he does have this underlying confidence that he is going to be able to handle a situation. he is going to be able to handle it if someone asked him a tough question. and i want to give the late night hosts some question. i think he did a very interesting interview on jon stewart and let's face it, a lot of americans get their news from those shows. >> you guys have invited mitt romney? >> absolutely. we would love to have mitt romney speak with young people, give him the opportunity to talk
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about the issues that concern them as well. we reached out to both of them. hopefully we'll get mitt romney. >> there were two shows, two very big ones, by which i mean tall. complaining about this last night. let's look at david letterman and bill o'reilly. >> we have our own little problem. >> romney won't come on. he's not coming on at all. he doesn't have to come on. >> i think you and i because he's not on "the factor." we should go together and just confront him. >> i would watch that. >> we would all watch that. >> that would be fascinating. >> sway, if mitt romney was on mtv, what are the kinds of things you think that you and some of the questioners today would have put to him that would be different from the questions that they put to the president? >> i'm not sure which ones would be different. i know we would talk to him about, you know, the economy and jobs. what would he plan to do to create more jobs for young
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people and build the economy. same-sex marriage was a big topic, cost of education was a gigantic issue that came up with young people. so, you know, so the question would have been similar. it's not about -- we look at elections and policies through the eyes of young people. so whatever concerns them most and affects their every day life are the questions that they ask. >> one thing i was struck by was, it was about a half hour and a bunch of questions from kids, of military age, not one question about the other kids of military age who are in afghanistan were now in our 11th year of war, not one question about that. >> if we keep going in afghanistan we might get questions from those same kids ten years from now. we're aware of it and aware of the cost, a lot of people who aren't fighting it think of it
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as something that other people do. >> my favorite thing sway was you speaking to him father to father. >> that was interesting. one of the questions we posed what are you most worried about malia getting a driver's license. >> how old is your daughter? >> my daughter is the same age as his, 14. so i was curious as to what he would say about facebook driver's license, or dating and it was hilarious that he said i'm not worried, the secret service will follow her around. and what our power campaign that we're doing, those are the type of issues that come up as well. how does your president view a teenager or soon to be voter. i thought it went really well. we had a lot of questions we wanted to get in but we only had so much time. >> i'm sure it must be nerve racking and also you're listening to his answer thinking am i going to get another
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question? >> i skipped a few. the global climate we wanted to talk about that definitely because we didn't hear anything about that in the debates. that's an important issue in young americans. gun violence was an important issue that we had a chance to bring up as well. >> in very particular terms to chicago, it was great. >> sway and annamarie, thank you for joining me. >> thank you. coming up, early voting in ohio and early voting right here. and up next, on "the last word," a man who defined what it was to be a dignified man of government. to meet the needs of my growing business. but how am i going to fund it? and i have to find a way to manage my cash flow better. [ female announcer ] our wells fargo bankers are here to listen, offer guidance and provide you with options tailored to your business. we've loaned more money to small businesses than any other bank for ten years running. so come talk to us to see how we can help.
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he was a husband for 64 years. he was a father for 68 years. he was a united states snar for 18 years and all of those years were celebrated today in a south dakota farewell to george mcgovern. his political career peaked in 1972. he lost the election but his governing career continued in the senate. he deemed up with another senator and put aside party politics to do something great. in 1977, senator mcgovern and dole worked together to pass the food stamp act of 1977. legislation that has been feeding hungry children and families since president jimmy
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carter signed it into law. george mcgovern lived just long enough to hear his most important senate work thrown at the united states as an epitet. the food stamp president. he would not be able to find a single senator who would work with him on legislation if he were in the senate today. the 21st century so far has sadly become that period in uds senate history when, one by one, we have begun to bury the senators who knew how to reach across the aisle and put petty partisan interest aside in order to do the important and honorable work of governing. senators in both parties who knew how to come together to do things for the history books. senators who saw hungry children and fed them. >> when you meet your maker and
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he asks have you fed the hungry, given drink to the thursdayty and cared for the lonely. you, george, can answer yes.
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bounty. the clean picker upper. y y you. >> i feel pressure in that way. if we don't win ohio, it's tough to see us winning the election nationally. >> that was republican ohio snar rob portman saying that if his man mitt is going to be president, he has to win ohio. in the spotlight tonight, the ground game in ohio. where a new cnn opinion research poll of likely ohio voters shows president obama running at 50% and mitt romney trailing at 46%. early voting has been under way in ohio for 25 days. today, president obama campaigned on local ohio television via satellite from washington. >> i'm very confident and the reason is first of all we've got incredible volunteers and folks who are out there making phone calls and knocking on doors and
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as you know early voting has started in ohio and we've seen a huge up surge in people taking advantage of that. so we've got a pretty good sense of who's actually voting in ohio. >> joining me now are joy reid and ohio state senator nina turner. senator turner you've had get out the vote rallies repeatedly. what have you been doing today and in the last 11 days to get out the vote? >> we're firing up the president's base and making sure that people understand that this is a choice election and in that no one can sit this out and we have to make sure that in the state of ohio that we continue to rally the base, get folks excited and they are very excited, lawrence. contrarry to what motion may be seeing. there is no enthusiasm gap in the state of ohio. they fully understand what is at
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stake here. >> joy reid, the obama chain has 131 field offices in ohio compared to just 40 for the romney campaign. is that all we have to know about the voter turnout situation in ohio or are there more complications to know about? >> first of all, i have to thank you lawrence for giving nina turner and i a chance to prove we are two different people. >> it's about time. >> no, it is all about ground game. at this stage of a campaign, it is all goabout gotv. get out the vote. it was sort of turnwe, they could turn the operation back on and the romney campaign had to ramp up which they haven't done yet. so today in ohio what you see is people literally putting people into vans and getting them to
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the polls. i actually saw a lot of young people at the polls, more than i would have expected and they're actually self motivated to get here and vote because they're very motivated to get it done early so they don't have to wait in line on election day. >> there was a drop in turnout for the 2010 midterm campaign. has the obama campaign been able to identify those voters and aim for them? that seems to be the first place to go to look to build up the turnout back up toward 2008 numbers. >> absolutely. we're going after them strong. make no mistake about it, the ministers in the cleveland area, or in the state of ohio to be more expansive, they are out there. we're going to make sure we 'driving out the souls to the polls. that's why when we were in the central community today, a community where some of those ridiculous billboards appeared to make sure that we say to that community that voting ask a
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right and that it is not a crime and that you have something at stake, your children's future is at stake and we've got to stand behind the president who believes in the state, who believes in the 47%. who believes that women should make dollar for dollar, who believe that women should have a right to chose their own bodies. they should not have to ask government for position. absolutely, ohio is in full effect and we are fired up and more than ready to go. >> if i could quickly give you a couple of stats. you talk about a drop in turnout. i spoke with the supervisors of elections here and she said that you have 266,000 people early vote in 2008, which is the first year you could do it in person as opposed to just by mail. she's expecting that to go up. she was saying people really appreciated the process and the difference this year is more people are switching to the in-person form of early voting rather than just doing it absentee. she's saying they're looking to do about 2,000 voters per za,
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which is up from 2008, because people are taking more advantage of the process. >> is there any problem with the number of early voting locations that are available in ohio? >> no that i've heard of, lawrence. not at all. people understand where to go. we've been early voting in the state of ohio since 2006. and people understand it, which makes it even that much more ridiculous that republicans would go after early in-person voting. but people because of the actions of the secretary of state and the gop-led legislature, people are that much more determined to make sure their voice is heard. people are mad at hell, particularly in the african-american community, that folks who have political power would try to use it to suppress the vote. but they are out and they are voting. >> and this is one case where it is fair across the board. there are 88 counties here in ohio and each gets one early vote location. but the supervisor of elections gets to choose where that is, so
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they can put it in the place where they feel it's more central and most convenient. in the case of cayahoga county, it's right downtown. >> thank you both for joining me tonight. >> thank you. >> good to be here. >> coming up, lena dunham made an ad for the obama campaign and it is so controversial to people who do not understand jokes. and it's made rush limbaugh think outloud, about what it would be like if he was a woman. and, i will vote. it's early voting night here on "the last word," and i'm going to need the help of a former california governor to fill out my ballot because that's how crazy and complicated it is. that's coming up. i am probably going to the gas station about once a month. last time i was at a gas station was about...i would say... two months ago. i very rarely put gas in my chevy volt.
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my california ballot. it turns me into a legislator. i don't know whether they should have a two-year state budget in california. that's why a former california governor is going to have to sit right here with me and help me vote on every one of these things. that's going to be coming up after the rewrite, where rush limbaugh actually contemplates life as a woman. ♪ [ male announcer ] it's time for medicare open enrollment.
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in tonight's rewrite, more proof that the obama campaign is running a turnout election. the obama campaign in the closing woex weeks does not need to persuade voters to switch their support from mitt romney to barack obama. they simply need to persuade the supporters who support president obama to actually go out and vote for him. especially younger voters. the obama campaign has now delivered the hippest ad in the history of presidential campaigning, starring possibly the most ultra cool person in the history of television. >> your first time shouldn't be with just anybody. you want to do it with a great guy. it should be with a guy with beautiful -- someone who really cares about and understands women. a guy who cares whether you get health insurance, you want to do it with a guy who brought the
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troops out of iraq. or thinks that gay people should never have beautiful complicated weddings. it's a fun game to say who are you voting for and you say i don't want to tell you. think about how you want to spend those four years. in college age time, that's 150 years. also super uncool to be out and about and say do you vote, no i wasn't vote. my first time voting was amazing. it was this line in the sand. before i was a girl, now i was a rim. i went to the polling station, i pulled back the curtain. i voted for barack obama. >> that was of course lena dunham. star of the show "girls." i think she made emmy history for being nominated simultaneously for lead actress, writer and director. the can't take a joke crowd is
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outraged. even when the punchline proves it's not actually a dirty joke. >> i think it crosses a line. who would you want to do it with? >> that's not a good ad. >> it's a horrible ad. >> it's the political equivalent of a booty call. so actress lena dunham. >> you know how in a lot of the ads i have to say i'm barack obama and a proved this message. who approved this message? who thought this was a great idea? >> how about this ad that they -- this -- here we are in the midst of the war on women. the republicans hate women guilty of all this mysongeny.
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we've got a 26-year-old television star, female, basically saying if you're going to lose your virginity and vote at the same time, it's got to be with the right guy. vote for obama, just like having sex with obama. you've got to choose the right guy. if i were a woman today, this -- i would feel insulted each and every day. the way they look at women. all thinking the same way. all wanting the same things. i think that ad, some people look at it and they'll think it's cool and hip and representative of the country day modern pop culture but i think it's an insult to women everywhere. this is the kind of thing you do in desperation when you do have an jaebd when you don't have anything positive to say about yourself. >> yes the hurler of insulths of women everywhere is suddenly the
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defender. every one you just heard from thinks of ronald reagan as a perfectly reasonable candidate for saint hood. he got 100% of the votes from the can't take a joke crowd and 110 votes from the can't take a dirty joke crowd. and today's uncomfortable fact that when he was running for president, ronald reagan told a double entendre joke that ingeniously included a double entendre that allows for both straight and gay. >> listen, i know what it's like you pull that republican lever because i used to be a democrat myself. and i could tell you, it only hurts for a minute. and then you'll feel just great.
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>> oh, my. did you get all those entendres? ronald reagan just told you that it only hurts for a minute and then you'll feel just great. now, i don't think we have to decide whether ronald reagan intended that to be a straight or gay entendre. the guy was a hollywood actor. he had seen it all. and he knew, there is never, never a joke that has too many entendre. >> listen. i know what it's like the first time you pull that republican lever, because i used to be a democrat myself. and i could tell you, it only hurts for a minute. and then you'll feel just great. in america today we're running out of a vital resource we need
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it's early voting night here on "the last word," and that means indecision 2012 stops right now, for me anyway. my undecided time is up. i'm going to vote right here and now. but this is a california ballot we're talking about. so it's not going to be as easy as you might think. because in california, we voters are legislators. we have 14 pieces of legislation in here, in this ballot, that i have to vote on. and i understand i think maybe two of them. and so, joining me now to help me get through this incredibly complex california ballot, the former democratic governor and someone i have actually voted for, gray davis. thank you very much. >> my pleasure. >> i hate this. i hate being a legislator. i just want to be a voter.
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let's get down to the easy part here. president. jill stein, rosanne barr, barack obama. i didn't know rows an bar. let's come back to that. i didn't know she was on the ballot. >> i don't think this is that hard. >> let's just do the right thing and vote for barack obama. >> diane finestein. that couldn't be easier. number 38. i fill in number 38 for diane. and, the united states representative -- hanry waxman. i have a big important chairman in my district. i get to vote for chairman waxman. who would ever give up that seniority. that's the easy part. now this, member of the state assembly. betsy butler, richard bloom.
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who are these people? >> betsy butler is in the assembly now, richard bloom is the mayor of santa monica. >> they're both democrats, right? >> right. we have the top two system now for two republicans. >> i don't know anything about either one of them. i'm going to vote for change. >> i would recommend you vote for betsy butler. she's in the assembly. >> i've never had a governor at my side voting before, so i'm voting for betsy. >> that's a good start. >> and take credit for that one. >> this is utterly hopeless. district attorney two people i've never heard of. alan jackson, jackie lacy. see, i come to that and i just, you know, there are times when i just haven't voted when i come to one of those. i leave them blank because i don't want to encourage either one of them. what do i do? >> well i'm going to vote for jackie lacy. allen jackson is a good
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prosecutor and a good man, but lacy has been the chief of staff for several years and this job is a huge administrator job. people don't know, l.a. county is larger than 35 states. so you've got prosecutors all over the place. >> in this information book you get, it tells you something about alan jackson. and one of the things it seas says here for him, it says alan jackson prosecuted music producer phil expect ter winning los angeles county's first celebrity murder conviction in over 40 years. that's a real swipe over the o.j. case. >> it is. >> so jackie lacy, 64. >> this job is largely administrative. >> they're not in the courtroom? >> no. >> all right. now, these ballot measures, these are really tough. the first one. temporary taxes to fund
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education. that sounds great. guaranteed local public safety funding initiative. it's a constitutional amendment. i don't feel that i should be amending the constitution. it says it increases taxes on earnings over $250,000 for seven years and sales taxes by one quarter cent for four years. how much does it increase taxes over $250,000? >> it's a graduated scale. a little bit 250, more for 500, more over a million. >> that's not even in here. >> i'm giving you the answer. >> how are voters? >> this is the voter guide. >> it's in that? the phone book version. >> i brought that for you. in fairness this is printed front and back. i have it printed one side of the page. it's about half this side. but if you go through it, all of that is explained. >> it's just unbelievable. >> here's the deal. arnold had a temporary tax that as compared when he left off. >> i have no problem with
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taxation -- >> you and i will pay more, the average guy will only pay 1/4 of a cent on sales tax. >> my instinct is to vote for it. >> this is a winner take all proposition. schools either get 6 billion or they're cutting 6 billion zbll i'm voting for that. number 30, i'm voting yes. >> number 80. >> yeah. i'm voting 80 in the box here. it's question 30, you vote not in the 30 box you vote in the 80 box. >> that's right. >> i've got to do this president thing. the time is running out. rosanne barr, barack obama, you know what, i voted for barack obama last time. i think he deserves another shot at this. barack obama, we are i think of